Tuesday, December 31, 2013


For years, all of us consume chips, chocolate, fast food and other highly thermally treated foods. Both food engineers and doctors warn about some negative health effects such as obesity mostly. However, there exists little information about other health effects rather than obesity. So, we, as food engineers, decided to share our knowledge based on literature studies about this subject.
To begin with, problems with such foods occur as a result of some kind of reactions named as Maillard reactions literaturally. Hence, let’s look at what Maillard reaction is!!!
Maillard reactions are some kind of chemical reactions that occur between constituents of proteins and sugars present in food. Most popular Maillard reaction products (MRPs) can be listed as melanoidins (brown, nitrogen containing macromolecules) and acrylamide that is toxic for consumer’s point of view.
Now, we can move on with health effects of Maillard reaction products!
MRPs have a significant role in food acceptability due to its effects on color, flavor and texture of foods. Furthermore, they affect health in several ways which makes MRPs noteworthy in scientific research. To illustrate, accumulation of MRPs results in cataract formation in elders. Moreover, acrylamide consumption in higher levels may lead to neurotoxic effectsi.e. tumor formation. Reduction in availability of amino acids and minerals may also be observed. Some studies show that consuming diets rich in Maillard reaction products (MRPs) has some adverse effects on phosphorus bioavailability in male adolescents. Phosphorous is a significant element since it is essential during adolescent growth, it prevents age-related osteoporotic fractures and it contributes to new muscle formation and tissue accretion. Even if phosphorus takes place almost all foods, its deficiency may be related to consumption of fast foods or snacks.
Besides, melanoidins stimulate the growth of health-beneficial bacteria in the gut, some MRPs can reduce vascular and myocardial compliance observed with aging and diabetes (due to protein-protein crosslink in collagen). Also, due to antioxidant activity, of especially melanoidin, cardiovascular diseases can be prevented. For example, in another study, food samples and dietary effect of MRPs were tested. In this study, researchers chose foods that are rich in MRPs are highly thermally heated ones: chocolate, Pretzel sticks, dark beer, sterilized milk and bread crust, whereas foods poor in MRPs are raw coffee, pale beer, pasteurized milk and bread crumb. Highest antioxidant activity (capability of a substance to prolong shelf life) was found in roasted coffee and chocolate. Moreover, it was found that antioxidant activity of the foods generally increases during roasting, or other thermal treatments. MRPs keep their antioxidant activity after ingestion. Hence, oxidation of low density lipoprotein that is important since it results in atherosclerotic plaque, by the way, cardiovascular disease can be decreased or prevented by foods with high antioxidant activity.

Hence, Maillard reaction products have some positive effects with significant drawbacks besides obesity even if consumed in low levels just as µg. These highly thermally treated foods carry risk of production of rich amounts of MRPs such as acrylamide. According to literature studies, controlled levels may help to decrease health problems coming from MRPs because some foods rich in MRPs such as chips, coffee, chocolate and bread crust are indispensible for most people although the negative effects have been revealed by authority for years. Additionally, since MRPs are produced due to exposure to high temperatures, development of non-thermal or thermal techniques in which temperatures are inappropriate (low enough) for the formation of MRPs or usage of these kinds of technologies which have been already present may be a solution to prevent or decrease formation of MRPs.

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